The Foundation is named after Georgetina Cornelia Valdink, born at Lunenburg in 3-1-1898 and died on 27-6-1972 in Paramaribo, Suriname. She was known as aunty or misie (Ms.) Sosie.


Georgetina was a businesswoman. In addition to her business activities she was socially active in her community for children in poverty, in her personal capacity. She also undertook social activities for women in her spare time, free of charge, on behalf of the government. She was an inspiring example to her children, grandchildren and others in the community. Her life motto was 'live and let live'.

Misie Sosie was the first woman in a non-public position to receive a Royal Honour by the Dutch Queen (a Medal of Honour from The Order of Orange-Nassau, on April 18, 1958).

Misie Sosie not only inspired her granddaughter Georgette Eendragt to act later in her footsteps as a businesswoman. In the spirit and philosophy of her grandmother she started The Georgetina Foundation.

With the creation and naming of the Georgetina Foundation after her grandmother, Georgette Eendragt aimed to give back some of her own achievements, by contribution to the arts development of talented children and young artists in disadvantaged circumstances in the Netherlands and in developing countries. That's because her life motto has become 'giving back' .


Since its start in 2012 the Georgetina Foundation is classified as a Public Benefit Organisation (ANBI) by the Dutch tax authorities. 


The Georgetina Foundation has a non-salaried Volunteer Board. Georgette Eendragt is the President of the Board.

A Program Manager is responsible for the daily operations and programming. Support to executing the projects is given by freelancing experts in the different fields of arts, education and community programming and training. The Georgetina Foundation regularly offers traineeships in the several arts and education disciplines, and in the fields of administrative support.


Projects to be funded are screened by a voluntary Advisory Board. The members are professionals working in the arts,  education and social/community development sector. The Georgetina Foundation works in accordance with the Cultural Governance Code and endorses its Code of Conduct.

Policy swift
After ten years of mostly focusing on arts and education projects and programming for our target groups, in 2022 we shifted our focus to achieve more of our foundation's goals. In the section Policy Swift, you'll learn more.


The Georgetina Foundation

Correspondence address: Gildeplein #101

Zip code and city: 1445 GT  Purmerend
Country: The Netherlands


Email:   georgetina-foundation@outlook.com

Website: georgetina-foundation.jimdo.com